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The Parties page is where party information about the case can be entered.
A red triangle and asterisk(*) will indicate the details for the party is required. Click +Add party details.
You must enter the name of each party. If the party is a business or agency, click the box for "Entity."
Look for RED asterisks *(star icon), this will indicate that the field is required.
If there is no red asterisk or box saying the field is required, then this means that information in that field is optional.
To add an attorney to a party (not required), scroll down the screen to the Attorney Information box and click the "Select" box to choose the attorney.
Click Save at the lower right hand corner.
If there is another required party, click +Add party details.
After the required information in the Parties is completed. Click the blue Filings button at the lower left hand corner.
If more parties are needed for the case, click +Add More.
- NOTE: If users need assistance adding an AKA (Also Known As) or DBA (Doing Business As), they will need to contact the court for more information on how to enter this data.
- NOTE: To edit the existing Party information you've added to the case before you submit your new filing, simply click on the pencil icon to the right of the person or entity in the Parties page, then place your cursor in the input field you want to edit and make your corrections. Click Save when finished.
- NOTE: To delete a party you've added, you can simply click on the trash can icon to the right of the person or entity in the Parties page.
- NOTE: Party Types are set up on the court's end. If the Party Type you require does not appear, or if you are unsure of what Party Type to choose, please contact the court you are filing into for further assistance. Technical support cannot provide this information.
- NOTE: You cannot add a new Party in a Service Only filing.
- NOTE: If you are the only Party on a case that contains two required Parties, select "Party is a Business/Agency" to reduce the name to one input field, then type in "N/A", "Not Applicable", or "No Party" on the unnecessary required Party. Contact the clerks at the court you are filing into for more details.